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Source: The New York Times
TV Spreads Its Blanket for Summer Viewing
When it comes to television, we're in a bull market for doomsayers. It's the end of the broadcast networks, as their signals are pirated and their quality is eclipsed by cable and online shows.

Source: Fruitless Pursuits
Primeval New World Review: 5 Reasons This Show Should Be Renewed
There are a few things you should know to begin with; I have never seen the original UK Primeval series. I want to give it a shot, but many people have warned me off it saying that the effects are terrible and the plots hang by a shoe string at best.

Source: Wire Service
Omnifilm Entertainment to release Primeval: New World dinosaur app games
65 million years ago dinosaurs roamed the earth, but today they're back, and they're hungry! Now they can eat your unsuspecting friends, co-workers and family members as Vancouver's Omnifilm Entertainment is set to launch two mobile apps associated with their new television series Primeval: New World, for Bell Media's SPACE.

Source: SciFiAndTvTalk
Primeval: New World's Niall Matter - Cross Purposes
You would think after all his years of playing Zane Donovan in Eureka that actor Niall Matter would have pretty much seen it all when it comes to the Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres. Well, not necessarily. In the new SPACE Channel series Primeval: New World – a spin-off of the hit UK show Primeval - his character of micro-tech genius Evan Cross heads up a team that investigates “Anomalies” or rifts in time that allow animals and people from the past as well as future access to present-day Vancouver, British Columbia.

Source: VancouverSun.com
TV Monday: Primeval: New World
Those familiar with the ITV cult drama Primeval know the drill by now.
Critters from a long-ago age miraculously reappear in the present-day big city.
Not knowing quite how to behave when volcano mists and prehistoric plains are suddenly replaced by Starbucks, McDonald’s and multiplexes showing the latest James Bond movie, these critters do what any self-respecting tyrannosaurid would do when confronted by unfamiliar surroundings: They go on a rampage.

Source: TheOuthousers.com
OH! Interview: Miranda Frigon for Primeval: New World
Actress-Musician Miranda Frigon answers questions by OH! Entertainment's Nightfly about Primeval: New World, premiering tonight in Canada.
Primeval: New World, the long-awaited spinoff of the U.K.'s spectacular dinosaur drama, bursts onto the Canadian television landscape tonight (10/29) @ 10E/7P on SPACE! The dynamic new action series boasts a talented cast of genre thesps, creatures of land, sea, air and sand, and no less than seventy (70) visual efx shots per entry in each of its thirteen pilot season episodes.

Source: TimesColonist.com
Primeval: New World Premieres Monday!
Those familiar with the ITV cult drama Primeval know the drill by now. Critters from a long-ago era miraculously appear in the city.
Not knowing how to behave when volcano mists and prehistoric plains are suddenly replaced by diesel exhaust and concrete jungles, these critters do what any tyrannosaurid would do when confronted by unfamiliar surroundings: They go on a rampage.

Source: Spacecast.com
Primeval: New World Premieres Monday!
SPACE's newest original series, Primeval: New World premieres in just a few days! Wondering just what this "New World" hubub is all about? Well, that's what we're here for. Stay awhile and listen as we tell you the tale of the day Vancouver started getting some prehistoric visitors...

Source: Canada.com
Vancouver-set spinoff new home to dinosaur gore in Primeval: New World
When actors Niall Matter and Sara Canning squared off against a flying dinosaur in Stanley Park last spring, as they filmed the new sci-fi series Primeval: New World, they had to take the computer artists’ word for how the creature would look.
In front of them stood a guy in a grey bodysuit waving a grey tennis ball on a stick. Computer-generated creatures were to be added in post-production.

Source: Canada.com
A new force of nature
Those familiar with the ITV cult drama Primeval know the drill by now.
Critters from a long-ago age miraculously reappear in the present-day big city.
Not knowing quite how to behave when volcano mists and prehistoric plains are suddenly replaced by Starbucks, McDonald’s and multiplexes showing the latest James Bond movie, these critters do what any self-respecting tyrannosaurid would do when confronted by unfamiliar surroundings: They go on a rampage.

Source: Canoe.ca
Mauled by dinosaurs? Miranda Frigon stays safe on Primeval: New World
Miranda Frigon’s character is the voice of reason and the face of authority on Primeval: New World.
“Comedy is more my thing, but I have a blast playing the hardcore chick who’s just the straight guy telling everyone what to do,” said Frigon. “I’m very good in the power positions on TV.
“Some of the other characters are out dinosaur-hunting, so I get envious a little bit. But I avoid getting eaten and things like that. It keeps me safe.”

Source: Gateworld
Syfy picks up Primeval: New World
Call it a case of better late than never.
According to Deadline, Syfy Channel has picked up the basic cable airing rights to upcoming genre series Primeval: New World. The new series, a spin-off/continuation of the popular U.K. version about a team of scientists and animal experts that deal with prehistoric and futuristic creatures arriving in the modern world through anomalies in space and time (think Stargate meets Jurassic Park) premieres on the Canadian cable channel SPACE on October 29, but won’t arrive Stateside until sometime in 2013.

Source: The Reviews Page
Science Fiction - Primeval: New World - Space beginning Oct 29th 10 p.m.
Jurassic Park meets Torchwood in Primeval New World a Canadian spin-off of Primeval airing on Space. Primeval New World premieres Monday Oct 29th at 10 p.m. You really do not need to be familiar with the original British series to appreciate the spin-off as its mytharc works independently.
Evan Cross is a very rich high tech entrepreneur in Vancouver. He spends a lot of his time chasing anomalies, or what Ford Prefect called “Eddies in the wash” in Hitchhiker's Guide 3. This is connected to the big-ass bird that pecked a parachutist to death the night before. Dylan Weird, a Vancouver animal control specialist, helps the investigation of the parachutist's death and connects with Evan Cross and a couple of his employees.

Source: EPDaily
Primeval: New World Is Heading to Syfy
The new Canadian sci-fi series Primeval: New World has been picked up by Syfy, and will begin airing in 2013. Canadians won’t have to wait that long though, because Space will air the pilot episode on October 29.
Primeval: New World is a spin-off of the British TV series Primeval, and will see dinosaurs and other monstrous creatures from the distant past and future find their way to our time period through temporal anomalies. The show focuses on the group of scientists and animal control experts struggling to make things right, and it stars Eureka’s Niall Matter and The Vampire Diaries’ Sara Canning. Several of the main characters from the British series are expected to make cameo appearances.

Source: Deadline Hollywood
Syfy, Hulu Acquire ‘Primeval: New World’
Syfy and Hulu have acquired Primeval: New World. Syfy has picked up the US basic cable rights to the Primeval spinoff series for a 2013 premiere. It joins a growing slate of acquired series on the sci-fi cable network, including Lost Girl, Merlin and the upcoming Sinbad. The original Primeval series aired on BBC America where it was a top draw. Syfy sibling Hulu has acquired the SVOD and AVOD U.S. rights to Primeval: New World for its Hulu and Hulu Plus services. The deals were made by Entertainment One, which distributes the series produced by Omnifilm Entertainment.

Source: Bell Media
New Original Series PRIMEVAL: NEW WORLD Hatches Monday, Oct. 29 at 10 p.m. ET on SPACE
Prehistoric creatures are about to invade Vancouver with the premiere of the highly-anticipated SPACE original series, PRIMEVAL: NEW WORLD. Sinking its teeth into SPACE’s fall lineup beginning Monday, Oct. 29 at 10 p.m. ET, the series stars a flock of genre luminaries, including Niall Matter (EUREKA) and Sara Canning (VAMPIRE DIARIES). The North American spin-off follows a specialized team of animal experts and scientists who discover dinosaurs and other dangerous predators emerging onto the streets of modern-day Vancouver through anomalies in time, and features guest star Andrew Lee Potts as Connor Temple from the original U.K. series.

Source: Metro News
Amanda Tapping takes career to a whole new world
Since 1997, Amanda Tapping has been helping protect humanity from terrestrial as well as extraterrestrial threats, first as Colonel Samantha Carter in Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, then as Sanctuary’s Dr. Helen Magnus. With the latter TV show having recently ended its run after four seasons, the Leo Award-winning actress has been busy working on a number of new projects.

Source: Digital Spy
'Primeval: New World' has 'harder edge', says star Niall Matter
Niall Matter has spoken about his role in Primeval: New World.
The North American spinoff from ITV's Primeval will air in late 2012 on Watch in the UK and Space in Canada.
Eureka star Matter - who plays hero Evan Cross - told SciFiNow that New World has a "harder edge" than the original series.
"Our moments with the dinosaurs are going to be a lot more real and higher stakes," he suggested.

Source: Antipodal Arapaima
Primeval: New World - SciFi and TV Talk: Andrew-Lee Potts Interview
For the past five years, Paleontology buff, techno-whiz and self-proclaimed geek Connor Temple along with his teammates have been working out of the British-based ARC (Anomaly Research Centre) and risking their lives to keep humankind safe from prehistoric (and futuristic) predators finding their way into our world via temporal anomalies in time and space. This is the premise for the hit Sci-Fi TV series Primeval. While the UK version of the show appears to have ended, the fight to safeguard the human race carries on with the Canadian-made Primeval: New World.

Source: SpaceCast
Andrew-Lee Potts talks Primeval: New World
InnerSPACE talked to Andrew-Lee Potts about his involvement in Primeval: New World, and while he was skilled at not giving any spoilers he did give us a few little hints... This clip contains what you saw on InnerSPACE this week, plus some extra footage we couldn't fit in the show, so check it out!

Source: The Vancouver Province
Primeval spin-off the latest sci-fi time-travellers to invade Vancouver
It’s good times for Vancouver-produced TV sci-fi as the Space channel has announced the principal cast for the new series Primeval: New World.
The show, which started filming this month, is a spin-off of the British series Primeval, in which present-day humans confront a fracture in time which allows dinosaurs into our world, and humans into prehistory.